Simply, it is the process of your child getting used to their new preschool and settling in without their parents. Adaptation is an important step on your child’s educational journey as they enter nursery, preschool, or first school.
Every child’s adaptation is different just as every child is different and it is our job – as teachers and parents – to help them transition as smoothly as possible.
The adaptation I’d like to talk about here is the initial preschool experience which will often be when your child is two or three years old.
When a child is two or three years old, they are in the “toddler” phase where they are quickly developing aspects of their personalities, are full of feelings, and are at a stage where they can speak to you and understand what is being said. This doesn’t mean that they understand what is going on, however, and we must take care to help them understand that mummy and daddy will always come back. How do we do this? Below are some examples that have helped me over the years:
Good luck and happy adaptation to both children and parents!