Preschool Assessment

Twice a year, at Florentinum British Nursery and Preschool, we assess our students and record their progress. The assessments look at appropriate developmental skills and milestones. Areas of assessment include personal care skills as well as social and interpersonal skills. Other areas that are assessed are the children’s fine and gross motor skills as well as their early maths and literacy skills.

Some parts of the diagnostic assessment are not pertinent to every child and this is indicated on the “age” section of the forms. Similarly, the extent to which the child can achieve each activity or skill is indicated as “can manage”, “can manage with support”, and “can manage unsupported”.

The children are assessed in the autumn/winter term and then again in the spring/summer term, this allows our teachers to record the progress that children have made during their time with us.

Rather than being completed in order to compare children to each other, the assessments look at each individual child’s personal growth and improvement.

Should there be areas that are identified as needing improvement or special support, the teachers will deal with each individual instance accordingly. After receiving the assessment, parents, if necessary, may speak with their child’s teacher about any concerns and how they can help their child improve.